At the invitation of Professor Airong Qian of School of Life Sciences, associate Professor Xiaoyang Wu from the University of Chicago visited the School of Life Sciences, Northwestern Polytechnical University from August 17th to August 20th for academic exchanges and discussions. The meeting was chaired by Airong Qian. Some teachers, doctoral students and postgraduate students from the School of Life Sciences attended the meeting.

During the meeting, Xiaoyang Wu conducted a indepth discussion and guidance on the subjects of several young teachers and doctors. Everyone raised their own confusions based on the scientific problems they encountered in their research, and Xiaoyang Wu answered them one by one.

Through this conference, the teachers and students had a better comprehension in the development direction and cutting-edge technology of their research field. At the same time, everyone has a deeper understanding of how to publish high-impact factor articles and how to deal with experimental data. Xiaoyang Wu gave encouragements that everyone should have confidence in their own topics and think diligently in order to find more and newer research directions.