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学科带头人:商澎(教授 博导)

成员:杨鹏飞副教授  任丽副教授  呼延霆助理教授  吕欢欢助理教授  苑曦宸助理教授  韩炜博士后  杨建成博士后






一、 空间及特殊环境生物学

1. 围绕“骨质流失”的生理现象,从机体整体、组织、细胞分子等多个层次,研究空间环境对肌肉骨骼系统的影响和作用机制,着重探讨空间环境中的复合物理环境对骨骨源细胞结构功能的影响及作用机理;

2. 研究重力因素对拟南芥等植物的生物学效应及其机制;


二、 磁生物学

1. 研究组织及细胞的电磁特性;

2. 探讨不同强度静磁场(亚磁场、中等强度磁场及强磁场)调控细胞生理过程的作用机制;


三、 多尺度生物力学与力生物学




1. Xu H, Ning D, Zhao D, Chen Y, Zhao D, Gu S, Jiang JX, Shang P*. Blockage of hemichannels alters gene expression in osteocytes in a high magneto-gravitational environment. Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2017, 22:783-794.

2. Xu H, Liu R, Ning D, Zhang J, Yang R, Riquelme MA, Li J, Jiang JX*, Shang P*. Biological Responses of Osteocytic Connexin 43 Hemichannels to Simulated Microgravity. J Orthepedic Res, 2016, 23224.

3. Ren Li, Wang Zhe, Huang Ling Wei, Yang PengFei, Shang Peng. Technologies for strain assessment from whole bone to mineralized osteoid level: a critical review. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology. 16: 1630002. 2016.

4. Li Chenrui, Wang Qian, Ren Tianjing, Zhang Yufeng, Christopher Wai Kei Lam, Moses S.S. Chow, Zuo Zhong. Non-linear pharmacokinetics of piperine and its herb-drug interactions with docetaxel in Sprague-Dawley rats. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. 128: 286-293. 2016.

5. Li Ren, Peng-Fei Yang,Zhe Wang, Jian Zhang, Chong Ding, Peng Shang*. Biomechanical and biophysicalenvironment of bone from the macroscopic to the pericellular and molecularlevel. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials,2015, 50, 104-122.

6. Ling-Wei Huang, Li Ren,Peng-Fei Yang, Peng Shang*. Response of osteoblasts to the stimulus of fluid flow.CriticalReview in Eukaryotic Gene Expression, 2015, 25(2): 153-162.

7. Peng-Fei Yang, AndreasKriechbaumer, Kirsten Albracht, Maximilian Sanno, Bergita Ganse, Timmo Koy,Peng Shang, Gert-Peter Brüggemann, Lars Peter Müller, J rn Rittweger*. On therelationship between tibia deformation and regional muscle contractions inhumans in vivo. Journal of Biomechanics,2015, 48(3): 456-464.

8. Yi Lv, Peng Shang*. Anilluminated growth system for the study of Arabidopsis thaliana duringdiamagnetic levitation by a superconducting magnet. Advance in Space Research, 2015, 55(1): 525-533.

9. Jian Zhang, Yong Zhao*,Peng Shang*. Responds of bone cells to microgravity: ground-based research, MicrogravityScience and Technology. 2015, 27(6): 455-464.

10. Hui Chen, Yong Zhao*,Peng Shang*. The distinctive sensitivity to microgravity of immune cell subpopulations,MicrogravityScience and Technology. 2015,27(6): 1-10.

11. Chong-Zhen Wang, PengShang*, Yong Zhao*. Microgravity activates p38 MAPK-C/EBPβ pathway to regulatethe expression of arginase and inflammatory cytokines in macrophages. InflammationResearch, 2015, 64: 301-311.

12. Yang Wang, Peng Shang*,Air-Rong Qian*. GeneChip expression profiling reveals the alterations of energymetabolism related genes in osteocytes under large gradient high magneticfields.PLoS One, 2015, 10(1):e0116359.

13. Li-Fang Hu, Peng Shang*.Mineralization initiation of MC3T3-E1 preosteoblast is suppressed undersimulated microgravity condition. Cell Biology International, 2015, 39(4): 364-372.

14. Hui-Yun Xu, Sumin Gu,Manuel A. Riquelme, Sirisha Burra, Danielle Callaway, Hong-Yun Cheng, TejaGuda, James Schmitz, Roberto J. Fajardo, Sherry L. Werner, Hong Zhao, PengShang, Mark L. Johnson, Lynda F. Bonewald, Jean X. Jiang*. Connexin 43 channelsare essential for normal bone structure and osteocyte viability.Journalof Bone and Mineral Research, 2015, 30(3): 436-448.

15. Yu-Long Sun, Zhi-Hao Chen,Xiao-Hu Chen, Chong Yin, Di-Jie Li, Xiao-Li Ma, Fan Zhao, Ge Zhang, Peng Shang,Ai-Rong Qian. Diamagnetic levitation promotes osteoclast differentiation fromRAW264.7 cells.IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2015, 62(3):900-8.

16. Yu-Long Sun, Xiaohu Chen,Zhihao Chen, Xiaoli Ma, Dijie Li, Peng Shang, Ai-Rong Qian*. Neuropeptide FFattenuates RANKL-induced differentiation of RAW264.7 cells into osteoclast-likecells. Archives of Oral Biology, 60:282-292, 2015.



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