报 告 人:娄艳茹 副教授
邀 请 人:崔宁 讲师

主要从事干细胞和组织工程相关研究。在Biotechnology Advances,Biomaterials,Journal of Controlled Release,FASEB Journal,International Journal of Cancer等国际著名期刊发表学术论文44篇,总引用2200余次,H-Index为24(Google Scholar)。授权国际发明专利6项且转让专利使用权给国际公司并开发出一个产品。另外还申报3项国际发明专利。
1.Next generation organoids for biomedical research and applications.Yan-Ru Lou*, Alan W. Leung.Biotechnology Advances2018;36:132-149.
2.Differences in definitive endoderm induction approaches using growth factors and small molecules.Mariia S. Bogacheva, Sofia Khan, Liisa K. Kanninen, Marjo Yliperttula, Alan W. Leung,Yan-Ru Lou*.Journal of Cellular Physiology2018;233:3578-3589.
3.Laminin-511 and laminin-521-based matrices for efficient hepatic specification of human pluripotent stem cells.Liisa Kanninen, Riina Harjumäki, Pasi Peltoniemi, Mariia Bogacheva, Tuuli Salmi, Pauliina Porola, Johanna Niklander, TomášSmutný, Arto Urtti, Marjo Yliperttula,Yan-Ru Lou*.Biomaterials2016;103:86-100.
4.Hepatic differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells on human liver progenitor HepaRG-derived acellular matrix.Liisa Kanninen, Pauliina Porola, Johanna Niklander, Melina Malinen, Anne Corlu, Christiane Guguen-Guillouzo, Arto Urtti, Marjo Yliperttula,Yan-Ru Lou*.Experimental Cell Research2016;341(2):207-217.
5.A feasibility study of the toxic responses of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocytes to phytochemicals.TomášSmutný, Riina Harjumäki, Liisa Kanninen, Marjo Yliperttula, Petr Pávek,Yan-Ru Lou*.Toxicology in Vitro2018;52:94-105.
6.Silica bioreplication preserves three-dimensional spheroid structures of human pluripotent stem cells and HepG2 cells.Yan-Ru Lou*, Liisa Kanninen, Bryan Kaehr, Jason Townson, Johanna Niklander, Riina Harjumäki, C. Jeffrey Brinker, Marjo Yliperttula.Scientific Reports2015;5:13635.
7.The use of nanofibrillar cellulose hydrogel as a flexible three-dimensional model to culture human pluripotent stem cells.Yan-Ru Lou*, Liisa Kanninen, Tytti Kuisma, Johanna Niklander, Luke Noon, Deborah Burks, Arto Urtti, Marjo Yliperttula.Stem Cells and Development2014;23(4):380-392. Featured on the journal cover.