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Join the School of Life Sciences at Northwestern Polytechnical University 2022 Recruitment Announcement


The School of Life SciencesatNorthwestern Polytechnical University was established in April 2004.The vision of the school is “to be driven by China’s major needs in the fields ofaeronautics, astronautics, and marine science and technologies, with the support from mainstream disciplines in life sciences, to integrate the basic disciplines with technology and engineering disciplines, and to joint basic research and applied research”. The school aims to build a domestic first-class and world-renowned base for scientific research and training of high-level talents with distinctive disciplinary characteristics.

TheSchoolof Life Sciencecurrently has 94 faculty members including 57 full-timeinstructors(15 professors, 26 associate professors, and 16 assistant professors). Theprimary programs offered at theSchoolof Life Sciences arethePh.D. program inBiomedical Engineering,theM.S. program inBiology,theProject -basedM.S. program inprograminBiology andMedicine,andtheB.S.programinBiotechnology.Based on the above programs, approximately100 postgraduate and 60 undergraduatestudentsareadmitted each year.

The scientific research of the school focus on the directions of special environmental biology (concerning special space environments; extreme environments with low pressure, low oxygen, high altitude with extreme coldness, and extreme heat and humidity; physic environments involving magnetism, electricity, light, heat, and sound), material biology, and medical engineering. These special research directions also incorporate the special features from education and research in aeronautics, astronautics, and marine engineering and technologies,and they are orientated toward the life and health aspects of common people. There are distinctive cross-fusion characteristics of multi-disciplines. The research contents cover multiple sub-disciplinary directions including biochemistry, molecular cell biology, biophysics, microbiology, biomaterials, pharmacy, pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, bioinformatics, biomechanics, magnetic biology, etc.

The school has a large open-sharing platform for large-scaleinstruments and equipmentand owns approximately 60 millionCNYworthof instruments and equipment. Meanwhile, the school is building a school-level life science sharing platform (Northwestern Polytechnical University Life, Health and Ecology Public Sharing Platform). The goal is to establisha world-class high-level research platformtoprovide strong support for cutting-edge academic research in the fields of life science.

Talent Recruitment

Theschool continuously recruits outstanding talents domestically and internationally. The recruiting disciplines are first-level discipline, Biology and first-level discipline, Biomedical Engineering. The sub-disciplinesinclude but not limited to biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, biophysics, physiology, microbiology, bioinformatics, biomaterials, biomechanics, magneto-biology, electromagnetic biology, bioengineering, biotechnology, etc.


1.Chair Professor


Leadinginthe international scientific and technological frontiers.Achievedsystematic andinnovativeaccomplishmentsin the field ofbasicresearch.Achievedlandmark scientific and technologicalaccomplishmentsin major scienceand technologyprojects and missions on the national level.Generally should be astrategic scientist witha greatsocial reputation and extensive academic influences.

Compensation and benefits

To be negotiated.


2. TenuredProfessor


Conductedforward-looking anddirection-leading research inthe field ofa specific discipline,and the research works arehighly recognizedinthedomestic andinternationalacademic communities.Made significant contributions to social development and scientific and technological advancementsbasedon majordomesticneeds.Generallyshould be aleading talent withsignificantcontributions intheaspects ofdisciplinedevelopment, scientific research,talentcultivation, etc.

Compensation and benefits

To be negotiated.




1.Age 40or younger;

2.An outstanding young academic leaderwho is newly emerged in the academic community with strong capability in innovation and great potential for further development, and has high-level academic accomplishments in a specific discipline.

3.Ifthe applicanthad 3 or more years ofscientific researchwork experience outside China,the applicant canapply for the National Natural Science Foundation of China-Outstanding Youth Science Foundationproject (overseas).

Compensation and benefits

1.Salary of510,000-620,000CNY(pre-tax)peryearplussocial security benefits, etc.of approximately70,000CNYperyear.

2.Additional sources of compensation includescientific researchand others.

3.Thestart-up funding forscientific research is 2to 6millionCNY(including national support fromChina).

4.Employed as a professor(doctoral supervisor) with asenior-levelprofessional and technical position.

5.Resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 1.5to2 millionCNY(nationalpluslocal, pre-tax).


Iv. OverseasExcellentYoungTalent Project


1.Obeythe laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China, have good scientific ethics, andself-practice the scientists’ spiritof the new generation.

2.Age 40or younger.

3.Hold adoctoraldegree.

4.Researchmainlyinthe directions ofbiomedical engineering, biology,andother relatedinterdisciplinary disciplines.

5.Generally shouldhave worked at least 36 consecutive months in formalteaching or scientific research positionsin universities, scientific research institutions,or enterprise R & D institutionsoutside China before April 15, 2022.Should also haveobtaineda doctoraldegreeoutside Chinaand hadanoutstanding performance.(Therequirement for the amount ofworking periodcan be relaxedas appropriate.)

6.Achievedscientific research or technological accomplishmentswhich arerecognized bypeerexperts.Have the development potential to become academic leaders or outstanding talents ina specific academicfield.

7.The applicantshouldhavenotyetreturned (came) to China to work full-time orhave worked in China full-timein the definite time range. After receiving the fundingoffer,the applicantmust resignfrom thecurrentjob or have noactive job outside China. The applicant should thenreturn (come) to Chinaand workfull-time fora minimumof3 years.

Compensation and benefits

1.Salary of 510,000-580,000CNY(pre-tax) per year plus social security benefits, etc. of approximately 70,000CNYper year. Other possible sources of income includeperformance rewards, outstanding contribution rewards, etc.

2.The start-up funding for scientific research is 2 to 6 millionCNY(including national support from China).

3.Employed as a professor (doctoral supervisor) with a senior-level professional and technical position.

4.Resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 1.5-2 millionCNY(nationalpluslocal, pre-tax).

5.Provide agood scientific research platform,and supply sites foroffice andresearchexperiments.Admission quotas forpostdoctoral, doctoral,andmaster's students are guaranteed.Supportestablishingacademic innovation teams.Providecooperation platformsand opportunitiesfor exchange and affiliation with other researches institutes in the industry.

6.Staff children can enroll in high-quality education services(top tier in China) ofNPUincluding kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school.

7.Themedical care“GreenChannel” and physical examination services at Grade A tertiary hospitals are available forhigh-level talents.

Special Notes:Applicants,who are not selected in the final defensefor the“Overseas ExcellentYoung Talent” project,will be supported bythe “Aoxiang Overseas Scholars”projectof Northwestern Polytechnical Universityafter passingevaluation procedures.(The compensation and benefits includeannual salaryplus50,000CNYannualsubsidy; scientific research fund of 1 millionCNY;resettlement allowances and monetization subsidies of 0.3-0.4 millionCNY, etc.).Applicants for "OverseasExcellentYoung Talents" can apply for "AoxiangOverseasScholars" at the same time.

See the National Natural Science Foundation of China,Excellent Young Scientists Fund(Overseas) project guide



Prospective Professors and Associate Professors





Associate professor

Age limit

Age of40oryounger in general

Age of35oryounger in general

Compensation and benefits

Salary of360,000CNYperyear, social security benefit(appx.60,000CNYperyear)

Salary of260,000CNYperyear, social security benefit(appx.50,000CNYperyear)

Senior professional and technical position

Deputy senior professional and technical position

Scientific research start-upfund of200,000CNY

Scientific research start-upfund of200,000CNY

resettlement allowances and monetization subsidy of 300,000CNY(pre-tax)

resettlement allowances and monetization subsidy of 200,000CNY(pre-tax)

·Othersources ofincomeincludescientific researchand others.

·Can be selected as thesupervisor formaster and doctoralstudentsaccording to the relevantgraduate schoolpolicies.

·Witha minimum of 3 years of scientific research workexperience,the prospective professorcan apply for the "Aoxiang Overseas Scholars" programuponjoiningthe university and receivesadditional research funding and allowance after being selected.




Postdoctoral Fellow

The schoolcontinuously recruitspostdoctoral researchers in thefields of"Biomedical Engineering", "Aerospace Science and Technology" and "Materials Science and Engineering".

1. Research direction andqualification for recruitment

order number

research area

Cooperative mentor



Space and Special Environmental Life Sciences

SHANG Peng shangpeng@nwpu.edu.cn

Have strong scientific researchcapability,clear scientific research direction, andgreat development potential.

The academic level should meet theschoolrequirements.

1.Special funded postdoctoral fellowsshouldhaveobtainedthedoctoral degree withinthe3most recentyears. The general age limit is32or younger.

2. Regularpostdoctoral fellowsshould have obtained the doctoral degree within the 3 most recent years. The general age limit is 35 or younger.


Protein Science and Engineering


YIN Dachuan



Nanobiomimetic catalysis

QIN Yong



Biomechanics of the myoskeletal system

QIAN Airong



Research and development and application of medical function of probiotics

SHI Junling



Cell molecular biomechanics




Cell signal perception and transmission

XU huiyun



Microbial corrosion and electrochemistry

QI Zhenhui



Biomedical applications of novel functional nanomaterials

ZHANG Lianbing



Biomedical big data analysis

SHI Jianyu



Bionic catalysis and materials




Gut microbe and body health and its nutritional regulation

XU Chunlan



Targeted therapy of breast cancer and its biomechanical properties

ZHANG Chenyan



Biomaterials and bionic materials





LU Hui Meng



Biomechanics of the myoskeletal system

YANG Pengfei



Pharmacy Design and bioinformatics analysis

HU Lifang hulifang@nwpu.edu.cn

2.Compensation and benefits during employment


Specialfundedpostdoctoral fellow

Regular postdoctoralfellow

Salary of270,000CNYperyearplussocial security benefitsof approximately50,000CNYperyear.

Salary of220,000CNYperyearplussocial security benefitsofapproximately50,000CNYperyear

·Ifselectedfor participation in relevant projects fornational postdoctoralfellows,there will be other sources of income available includingcorresponding project funding,scientific research, etc.

·During the employment period,the postdoctoral fellows canapplyforprospectiveinstructor positionsat theschool. If hired, the applicants will beincorporatedunder the administration ofthe corresponding positions andreceivethe correspondingcompensation and benefits.

·The school’spostdoctoral apartments are available for postdoctoral fellows.


7. Full-time scientific researcher


·Age of45or younger in general.

·Meet theacademic standardsand requirements of theposition which are setby the college and research groups.

Compensation and benefits

·The school and the research groupswill evaluate based on the actual situation andprovideacompetitive salaryandagood public experimental platform,andensure other necessary conditions for conductingscientific researchwork.

·If the researchers have open development channels and have met thecorrespondingschoolrequirementsforprospective and tenuredprofessors, theycan applytotransferto these instructor positionsperrelevant policies and procedures.

·Qualifiedresearcherscan apply for national and provincial talent projects and the Aoxiang talent program ofNPU.


Forum for Young Talents

There are twoonline forums for young talents each year (early June, and early October)that are hosted by the School of Life Science at NPU.The forum will focus on discussions of domestic and international leading-edge academic problems and research achievements.World-wide young talents in the field of life science are all welcomedtoparticipate. Young talents who are interested in attending the forumsshouldregister in advance (preferably one monthbefore the forum start date) byemailingMs. Song atsongfei@nwpu.edu.cn.

How to apply for the positions?

Please file all application materials as a single PDF file, and send it directly totheemailaddress:songfei@nwpu.edu.cn. The application materials shall include a cover letteranda CV with research achievements. Applications for postdoctoral positionsshouldindicate the interested advisor in the cover letter.All applicants are encouraged to attend the Forum for Young Talents (see above).

Contact: Ms. Song, e-mail: songfei@nwpu.edu.cn

Tel.: 86-29-88460333

Official website: http: //shengming.nwpu.edu.cn/

University Overview

Innovations Transform the Future

Located in the ancient capital city - Xi’an, Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU), the powerhouse of western China, is entering a new phase of growth by taking opportunities to develop original and cutting-edge innovations.

The history of NPU can be traced back to 1938. The university was designated as one of the National Key Universities of China in 1960. It was among the first batch of universities selected for Project 211 in 1995 and became part of Project 985 in 2001. In 2021, NPU ranks among the top 200 according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities. In recent years, NPU had set various records in China and produced many leading figures in all aspects of society and industries contributing to the world’s science, technology, and social-economic developments.

The degree programs offered at NPU cover various disciplines in fundamental science, engineering, humanities, management, social sciences, and many more. The material science discipline at NPU ranks among the top 0.1% globally, and the chemistry, engineering, and computer science disciplines are also among the top 1% globally according to the latest ESI subject area ranking. With these distinctive strengths, NPU has built a solid foundation for providing world-class research platforms in all disciplines.

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