报告题目:Deep Learning and Machine Translation
报 告 人:Professor Chin, the Chair of the Department of Computer Science at HKU
主 持 人:施建宇副教授
内容简介:There has been a resurgence of research into Artificial Intelligence and its applications, especially Machine Learning in the context of Big Data and Cloud Computing. Over the past few years, Google, Amazon, Baidu, Facebook and many major internet companies have invested significantly in Machine Learning technology, especially the so-called“Deep Learning”using very-large-scale multi-layer neural networks, in order to enhance their services and products, for example, speech/image recognition, searching, data analytics, robotics, self-driving vehicles, Go-playing, etc.
This talk explains how computers learn and the recent breakthroughs in Deep Learning which affect our lives in many aspects. We shall briefly mention the potential research areas which might benefit from the new technology. The history of the development of machine translation will be reviewed, followed by the key breakthroughs in using a single large neural network for statistical machine translation and our recent developments in translating financial documents.
报告人简介:Professor Chin, the Chair of the Department of Computer Science at HKU, IEEE Fellow, received his B.A.Sc. degree from the University of Toronto, and his M.S., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Princeton University.